Another death threat, but we need to “unite and heal”

Travis Webb
9 min readJan 10, 2021

“We need to unite and heal”

I am going to explain why that is challenging and the truth is the people who need to hear it the most and take action are going to just write me off.

I woke up this morning to a random threat of violence in my messages. You know I never use to get those. Now I get them every few weeks. In the last year I have had to speak to the FBI twice over threats that got back to them for “other sources” (i.e., they called my employer) I get the threats, not because of my actions but because of my posts and its always from one group.

People on the right, unlike the left, feel justified in sending me death threats, calling my employers, doxing me, because they see my acts of questioning their beliefs as making me their enemy. Not as a fellow American, using their first amendment to express my opinion in a public forum, in which I expect comments and civil discourse with my other fellow Americans, who may or may not agree with me.

Why did I not get the threats before 2020? Why didn’t leftwing people threaten me during Obama, because I bashed him for drone assassination. Holy shit I was awful towards Hillary Clinton since before social media existed. I have literally said on multiple occasions that I would piss on Biden’s grave and he is a piece of shit. Not once has a left-wing friend or stranger. threaten to kill me, doxed me, blocked me, or for that matter done much of anything other then either point out data politely or comment that they understand why I am frustrated, but they do not agree with me. Heck my loudest progressive friend literally commented that they understood my issues with Biden and wouldn’t hate me for not voting for him. Even with all there hate towards Trump and the right.

That is how you compromise. That is how you let politics be politics. You make cases. You research. You hear what the other side is saying, and you accept reality when it is presented to you. You also draw a line between what is politics and what is morally acceptable.

When you decide that you will only accept YOUR answer, there can be no compromise. There can be no unity. And this gets especially tricky when there is a loop on YOUR answer which makes it impossible to ever give you the right answer.

And that is the state we are in.

Allow me to explain.

Covid. One side has accepted that wearing masks isn’t a big deal, and that getting a vaccine when it is available will help get the economy back and up running. The idea here is to avoid as much damage caused by the virus as possible. Meaning, less deaths, less long-term sick, which could have much more lasting effects on our economy and nation.

The other side- When asks to wear masks, refused because they don’t car if “they” die. Then when leaders must finally put laws temporarily in place, same kind of laws that force them to wear clothes and shoes in public, they literally protest and riot and purposely try to spread the disease and yell that its “because they are telling us we have to if they asked us it would have been different” ignoring that they were asked too. They also ignore that you don’t have feel sick to spread the virus. They ignore that every major health org around the world agrees right now that this is the best practice to reduce long term damage to the economy. They ignore that their countless videos, research and even our own military has released information, show this is the best practice at this time. They ignore that the states that did mask earlier are doing better than states adopting them later. They ignore that the rest of the world is doing better than us. They ignore that 30% of the people that catch it won’t be able to go back to their old careers. They ignore that the military will likely never allow people who have had it to join. They ignore that 1 out of every 10 families will be emotionally traumatized by a death or deaths or long term sickness in their family. They ignore that the reason to wear a mask is not about them, its about slowing them spreading it if they are sick and don’t know it so our Medical workers are not overloaded which increases the mortality rate and would likely make this all worse.

They won’t wear a mask if you ask them, they won’t wear a mask if you tell them, they don’t believe the virus is real, but they think the virus was made by China and hate Asians for it, they want herd immunity, but they won’t get a vaccine, they won’t socially distance. There is only one answer, after 12 months of medical research, data, by every country on earth, and nearing 200k deaths, and severally million with permanent damage, and that answer is to do what they say, period.

However, why should they believe all that evidence, when they have elected officials, youtube, and media catered to just them saying that if they keep sending them money? If they keep watching the videos and buying their products they sell in the links. If they keep looking at their website full of ads, they will prove that covid is a hoax. They will beat down the liberals who are authoritarians and force everyone to go back to work! They will make people stop wearing masks. They will stop big pharma from selling a fake vaccine and it will all go away with herd immunity! They are the patriots, this is freedom, and you will be part of the right side of history!

The election -

There was a bill on Mitch’s desk since the 2016 requesting reform for the elections by Democrats and Republicans after Democrats cried about Clinton’s loss, which Mitch and other Republicans said they didn’t need. For the last two years Trump did interviews where he openly said if he didn’t win he was going to challenge the election all the way to the top and that he wasn’t going to accept the results. Everyone has known that he was going to fight it long before there was an election. Every state knew this was coming and did their best to prepare for it. Everyone knew this entire time it was going to be challenge, what was going to be challenged and how it was going to be challenged because the White House had been saying they were going to do it if he lost. This might have been the most prepared for vote in history to avoid accusations of voter fraud outside the reform on McConnell’s desk.

There were literally some of the longest lines in history for voters. There were more mail in votes than there have been. It was very clear there were a lot of new people voting. To me, since it is my and other Conservatives belief that early voting and mail in voting leans heavily Democrat, this made it obvious that Biden might win. In my opinion, this and with very close percentages in swing states would be a sign that there was nothing funny about the election. I knew the polls were wrong. But during a ballot, no one landslides over an opponent that had won the previous year. That’s a Key indicator of a pretty normal ballot behavior.

Everything went down like Trump said. He bitched about mail in voting. He fought mail in voting. He said mail in voting favors Biden. He declared an early victory before the mail in voting was counting to set up his plan, which he said he would do weeks before hand. Then something went way crazy for everyone who is an active voter. The election desks did the same thing they have done for every election since forever, they called the elections based on math. They even waited longer than usual and confirmed with the state election desks. But they called it, like they always do, LATER than normal based on the math. And somehow, this was bad? Something we have seen for years, and now this was portrayed like they have never done this before, and that they were doing this to rig the election. My mind was blown. Everything went about as normal as it can go, accept that that press waited longer than usual to call it and confirmed with state election desks. It might have been the cleanest election in history, and I think it was because everyone knew Trumps plan, because he literally had been saying it for months.

Everyone prepared for the possibility of election fraud. There were no landslides. Lots of Republicans still won where Trump lost. Most the states in question happen to be the bigger Electoral college states and are also Republican lead states who have everything to lose by certifying the election against Trump. There has been 60+ cases brought to court. The supreme court has turned it down. There have been investigations by state lawmakers, the DOJ, the FBI, and Cyber Security which were all lead by Trump appointees who have all cleared the election. Most the judges that have struck down the cases are Trump appointed judges. They HAND COUNTED the votes, which literally means the machines don’t matter anymore, and they did it twice. (Also, those machines were used in other states where Trump won, and those are not in questions. Just sit on that logic a little.)

There is a mountain of proof currently, after two months, that the election was secure. And there was a history of a plan by Trump to challenge the election. And there is a constitution that says he has exhausted all his resources to challenge at this time.

Yet that “side” keeps saying the vote was rigged. Because the only answer they will accept is they won.

And they keep believing it’s rigged, because even with all that evidence, their leaders are afraid to tell them its over because they want their donations, and they want their votes. That creates the loop. They say to their people “it was rigged we won” because that is what they want to hear. Then they feel validated believing it and ignore all the evidence. Then their leaders say, “Donate to us and vote for us and we will keep fighting so that we win!” Knowing damn well that you would have to rewrite the constitution at this point. And the loop continues.

Those are just two examples. But there are others. They believe that Antifa buses are coming, and even though they never showed up, they ignore that and keep using the source that lied to them. They believe that George Soros is a former Nazi, and even though he is a Jewish capitalist that was a child in WWII and was a major ally to the US in the effort to crush communism, they keep believing it and going back for more. They believe that 1000 children a day are kidnapped in the US, and that Trump is doing something about it. But they don’t logic out if that was true, it would mean that not just the media would be covering it up, all of our police at every level would have to be actively covering it up. From beat cops to the head of the DOJ. Because that many kidnappings would be hard to hide. It would mean by now, every family in America would have at least one child missing.

The loops go on and on because they are validated by their leaders. Because it is profitable. Because it means their votes, their donations.

Until the people that spread these logic loops that validate people are held accountable it will be nearly impossible to unite this nation.

I don’t know how do stop them. Free speech is key, but it is also the historically the weapon of Fascists to destroy free speech and democracy. Maybe limit a politician’s ability to take donations when they are found spreading lies, or rumors. Maybe actually impeaching a politician when they do something illegal for the serving of their narrative. (like letting armed militia into a capitol to scare the shit out of people and cause terror to our election officials.) Maybe charge politicians for crimes, instead of just writing their actions off as politics.

Whatever the answer is, if nothing is done, then historically within the next twenty years, a Democracy, with the help of its enemies, becomes a third world country under the leadership of a dictatorship with only one party in charge and all opposition in prison or killed.

